Modelling the natural disease progression of Alzheimer's disease

   Lead Investigator:    Ron Handels
   Institution      :    Maastricht University
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    1113

Publications: 1 Green C, Handels R, Gustavsson A, Wimo A, Winblad B, Sk^{unicode 00F6}ldunger A, J^{unicode 00F6}nsson L Assessing Cost Effectiveness of Early Intervention in Alzheimer's Disease: An Open-Source Modeling Framework Journal Article Alzheimers Dement,15:1309-1321,2019,PMC in process
2 Handels R, J^{unicode 00F6}nsson L, Green C, Vellas B, Eriksdotter M, Fratiglioni L, Wimo A Structural uncertainty and cross-validation of decision models in the AD setting: answering questions from policy makers on the reliability of health-economic models 2019 Abstract AAIC 2019 ,

Proposal Description: